Notify the change of address abroad

If you have already registered with AIRE (Registry of Italians Residing Abroad), the service allows you to update your address abroad for yourself and your relatives living with you. Please be sure to fill in your address fully and accurately, following the postal regulations of your country of residence. Failing to update your address information will prevent communication between you and the consular office, and may prevent you from receiving notification postcards or electoral packages during elections.
The necessary steps to update your address are:
– Access the portal:
• with SPID (follow the dedicated procedure);
• with traditional credentials (email and password);
– Complete the online form.
– Print the form for 'Change of Residence Notification' to have it signed by all adult household members involved in the address change declaration.
– Take a photo or scan the completed form.
– Prepare the attachments:
• Completed and signed form
• ID documents for all family members
• Documentation proving residence in the consular district
You need access to a printer and a camera or scanner. To view and print PDF files, make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader or another PDF reader installed on your computer.

Note: This service allows you to submit a request, but it does not guarantee automatic acceptance : Please pay close attention to email communications that may come from the consular office regarding the processing of your request. It's also a good idea to check your spam folder.

For a description of the application status, please refer to the relevant section "Frequently asked questions".